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Editura / Conphys Publishing House


Editura CONPHYS a fost înfiintata în anul 1999,  ca o  necesitate fireasca a tipografiei de carte, preocupare majora societatii  Conphys din anii  90.
Cartea stiintifica, cursurile universitare participarile la manifestatiile stiintifice au determinat organizarea editurii inca din acei ani.

Din primii ani de existenta ai editurii, au fost prezente in planul editorial lucrari importante si de interes stiintific care au contribuit la cresterea prestigiului învatamântului si cercetarii stiintifice românesti prin dinamizarea potentialului intelectual de specialitate din zona Olteniei si nu numai.

Principalul scop al înfiintarii editurii este:

  • - sprijinirea, prin lucrarile editate a procesului de învatamânt si cercetare stiintifica;
  • - difuzarea rezultatelor cercetsrilor stiintifice personale si colective ale cadrelor didactice;-
  • - sprijinirea publicarii de literatura stiintifica din zona.

Anual au fost editate peste 100 de titluri. Desigur alaturi de lucrari stiintifice au aparut si lucrari de beletristica, poezii, arta, carti pentru copii.


Conphys Publishing House was established in 1999 as a natural necessity of the book printing activity on which Conphys was mainly focused on in the 90’s.
The scientific book, the university lectures and the contribution to scientific activities determined the establishment of the publishing house since those early years.

Since its very first years of existence the publishing house has taken care of important publications and studies which contributed to increasing the prestige of the Romanian education and scientific research by stimulating the specialized intellectual potential in Oltenia area and other geographical regions.

The main purpose of the publishing house is:

  • - supporting the educational process and scientific research through the published works;
  • - disseminating the results of the individual and collective professors’ researches;
  • - supporting the publishing of the scientific literature in the region.
Over 100 titles have been yearly published and beside scientific works fiction, poetry, art and children’ books have also been printed.



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